
House Capuchin 3

An historical recreation household centered on the Central Oregon Coast (households are not official groups of the Society for Creative Anachronism and do not represent the views or policies of SCA, Inc. )



Crown and Coronet and Winding down 8-21 to 9-23-19

House Capuchin Shield2We started off this month of activities working on tools, cleaning blades and sanding handles and even creating a few (point turners….) Bone needles and lacing fids got made, even a tiny piece for a pendant, and working continues on the antler pieces, making rune pendants and a few carvings.

The Herb Bunch has been working almost exclusively on incense although harvest and


tending are moving right along. We’re drying at lot of herbs right now and the sweet grass and angelica smell wonderful. The herb garden had to get moved, so a lot of things are living out in front of the shop at the moment that really can’t stay there, although we have a shelf that’s going to go up inside for a lot of the indoor plants, which means that the ones for sale will be in front, rather than ones we intend to keep. The tumbler with the bamboo pieces got opened during the month, and it *is* working on the bamboo pieces, albeit slowly.

After the learning process on the schnitzel last month, this month’s experiment was with onion

More onion pies

pies. The ones we’re doing are rather like a quiche and they’ve turned out to be pretty darned good. The recipe is definitely a keeper. More sauerkraut is going and a bunch of pickles got done, (beans, mixed veg, eggs) mostly for taking to Shrewsbury, plus some tvarog and another scalded milk cheese.

Embroidery focused on getting a sewing kit of related patterns finished. It ended up being the

Sewing Kit

main pouch with an emery, pincushion and scissor bob, snips with a sheath, a spool holder, bone sewing needle, njalbinden needle and lacing fid, and several needlecases of various materials and colors. As always some other pieces got done, like a pouch with an embroidered insert and more of the little bobs.

There were a lot of links this month, some funny stories and a few other bits, like some commentary about how our work doesn’t all have to be perfect.

Strive Academy students at Anja’s display (photo by Helen Gaskins)

Of course Crown and Coronet were held this month, so Heirs to the Lion Throne and the Gryffin Coronets have been chosen. All Hail Christian and Helene! All Hail Kenric and Dagmar!

Anja went to Shrewsbury with blackwork and toys and spoons. It was a pretty good event, even if we came home soggy from the Sunday rain. Antonia was displaying her paints and painting, Alys was in the A&S tent and there were a bunch of fighters. Even Claire was in the royal court!

Our various members all reported in this month. Nothing much is new except the Estella is going to be a grandmother! Huzzah!

This month (these are standard meeting times) 

  • Herb Bunch – At Ancient Light, Saturdays, 11am-1pm
  • Sewing Time – At Ancient Light, Saturdays, 3-5pm
  • Project Day – At Ancient Light, Sundays, Noon to 6pm
  • Cheese and Wine is an occasional meeting. Watch our Facebook group for notices!
  • Potluck is usually 3rd Sunday of the month. In garb (if you can) and bring a dish to share! Next on 10/20, 11/17, 12/15, 1/19
  • Winter Feast Date is 2/16/20 (date will probably change to Theme is German Renaissance



Activities through 8-25-19 –

Activities through 9-1-19 September Crown –

Activities through 9-8-19 –

Activities through 9-15-19 Shrewsbury demo –

Daily Stuff 9-22-19 Potluck & Coronet –

…and this coming week’s (live by Monday) – Activities through 9-29-19 –

Here are the direct Portfolio links which have all the past Project Day reports and all the various projects, just whomp through pictures until what you see appeals to you, mouse-hover on the pic and then hit “view” when that shows.

…and to get to Ancient Light –”/ancient+light+waldport/@44.4266636,-124.1371198,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x54c1c24bf1be429f:0x69542f3011d51d41!2m2!1d-124.06708!2d44.426685

moving pen motifIn ministerio autem Somnium! – Anja Snihova’, graeca doctrina servus to House Capuchin.

In the Depths of Tourney Season 6-17 to 8-20

House Capuchin Shield2We missed a month because your scribe was up to her eyeballs in summer tourists! We’ve still got at least a month of them, too, but I’ve gotten far enough ahead to at least get this out.

1987-1991 at some point. This is more the way I remember Dublin.

…and the news about Dublin came through the morning after the most recent potluck. We’re setting up info on our In Memoriam page and there is stuff in last week’s and this weeks reports.


Susanne and Anja got to AnTir/West for one day so that Anja could teach her blackwork classes. They picked up the debris from the Queen’s Tea foods that the House provided before they left. They also managed to hand off Gudrun’s box to the A&S person from Wyewood. (photos in 7/7)

Anja and the samplers

Anja also got to the Lane County Fair demo and stayed with Alys and had a great time! There are some good photos in the 7/28 report.

Herbs – re-potting and starts happened in early July. Tending and harvest and watering has taken a lot of time with the other herbs. We added mustard greens and tomatoes to the herbs that we had earlier, and started harvesting a lot of lettuce. We put a new lemon balm in the window since snails *ate* the other, right down to the ground. Progress has happened on clearing the drying racks preparing for harvest. Our little alder tree has been adopted and left for a new home. We acquired a new grinder, so started in on various incense techniques after processing onionskins for dye.

Lots of liddle bits from the last two weeks.

Embroidery and Sewing – A sewing kit went out as part of a gift exchange. Also finished a bib, the birth sampler, several snip sheathes, a bath set, a set of chicken-scratch (totally not period!) and lots of small pincushions/bobs. We also have some donations for our students from Antonia of various fabrics and a scroll frame.

Top, yes, that golden

Sundials and such – A lot of tool-cleaning got done back in early July and then Loren started in on a batch of antler blanks for runes and buttons and such, mostly sanding. He also worked on a bone needle, a myrtlewood bowl, and cleaned a batch of beeswax, which has been put by to age for a year.

Two finished cheeses wrapped in rum-soaked fig leaves, left peeled back to show the cheese

Cookery has all been pointed at feast things although we sent a batch of foods to the Queen’s Tea at AnTir/West. We’ve done several cheeses of the scalded milk and tvarog varieties for eating, a couple of which got wrapped in fig leaves to help keep them. We set up several jars of sugar-preserving for straw, rasp and blueberries. The latter two are experiements, as was the dried melon. A batch of mushroom catsup got made and then the spice from the dried stuff.

Cooked schnitzel with the veal on the left and chicken in the center. Yes the veal lost its coating!

We had two really good potlucks and tried several of the foods that we’ll use in the Winter Feast including the schnitzel and a couple of tarts. One of the other things was a sauerkraut that got made at the July potluck and then tasted after fermenting for 10 days and fridged at the August potluck. It’s good! We have a set of burpers to do it in, so started another batch this week. We also discovered that spaetzle is best formed in a potato ricer.

Pear and fig tart

There’s more…. coins, rommelpots, Gudrun in Wyewood, Classes through the Honorable Clover Homes-sic, a batch of ink ingredientsfor Arlys… …and as always there were lots of pictures and links to play with, and music, and funnies, a few stories about the SCA, even a few weirdies.

Next month Anja is doing the Shrewsbury demo and we have another potluck…

This month (these are standard meeting times) 

  • Herb Bunch – At Ancient Light, Saturdays, 11am-1pm
  • Sewing Time – At Ancient Light, Saturdays, 3-5pm
  • Project Day – At Ancient Light, Sundays, Noon to 6pm
  • Cheese and Wine is an occasional meeting. Watch our Facebook group for notices!
  • Potluck is usually 3rd Sunday of the month. In garb (if you can) and bring a dish to share! Next on 9/15, 10/20, 11/17, 12/15
  • Winter Feast Date is 2/16/20 Theme is German Renaissance


…and this coming week’s (live by Monday, usually Activities through 8-25-19 – 

Here are the direct Portfolio links which have all the past Project Day reports and all the various projects, just whomp through pictures until what you see appeals to you, mouse-hover on the pic and then hit “view” when that shows.

…and to get to Ancient Light –”/ancient+light+waldport/@44.4266636,-124.1371198,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x54c1c24bf1be429f:0x69542f3011d51d41!2m2!1d-124.06708!2d44.426685

moving pen motifIn ministerio autem Somnium! – Anja Snihova’, graeca doctrina servus to House Capuchin.

House Capuchin’s reports through 11-19-17

House Capuchin Shield2House Capuchin has been working steadily through the summer and into the fall on various projects. Our membership has dropped to very low levels, at least of the active people, due to folks moving, school, and work. We’re still going and making things and planning feasts and experimenting on various foodstuffs, even if a lot of folks are playing more in the virtual world. Some of us got to events over the summer, playing and teaching. We had a potluck each month and have gotten to some fight practices and A&S nights around the Principality.

One single blossom that worked!!!

This collection of the various posts got forgotten over the craziness of summer and tourney season. I hope we can be forgiven for that and we’ll be trying to get it out every 4-6 weeks again.

Our biggest group project at the moment is the Foods of the Slavic Lands feast that we’re holding on February 18, 2018. If you’re interested in attending, just comment here and we’ll get you a proper invitation. That’s our big push over this winter.

Pheasant pelt

This month (these are standard meeting times) 

  • Sewing Time – At Ancient Light, Thursdays, 6-8pm
  • Herb Bunch – At Ancient Light, Saturdays, 11am-1pm
  • Sewing – At Ancient Light, Saturdays, 3pm-5pm
  • Project Day – At Ancient Light, Sundays, Noon to 6pm
  • Cheese and Wine is an occasional meeting. Watch our Facebook group for notices!
  • Potluck is usually 3rd Sunday of the month. In garb (if you can) and bring a dish to share! (Next 12/17)

Reports – (You can skip this listing by going down to the Newest Portfolio link below this list.)






…and this coming week’s (live by Monday) – Activities through 11-26-17 –

Also, a non-report list of Polish Foods –

Here are the direct Portfolio links which have all

the past Project Day reports and all the various projects, just whomp through pictures until what you see appeals to you, mouse-hover on the pic and then hit “view” when that shows.

…and to get to Ancient Light –”/ancient+light+waldport/@44.4266636,-124.1371198,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x54c1c24bf1be429f:0x69542f3011d51d41!2m2!1d-124.06708!2d44.426685

moving pen motifIn ministerio autem Somnium! – Anja Snihova’, graeca doctrina servus to House Capuchin.

Only the 2nd blog post

House Capuchin Shield2Since this new blog got started House Capuchin has been pretty busy! We’ve had our own Feast and a monthly potluck, attended two Summits Coronet level events and kept going on our projects. We’re down to a small group of regulars, but are hoping to some of the interested people start showing up at the meetings that they’ve been asking for! We had people who entered competitions and set up displays, and Anja running both.

It slices!

This month our Potluck is a little early, since Anja is going to be out of town on the usual weekend, teaching at All Fool’s in Corvaria, a class that was set up a year ago. We’re also hoping to day-trip to Adiantum’s Birthday Bash.

Cheese and Wine workshop is finally getting started. We’ve done two cheeses so far, one of the type that Anja’s been doing and one of something that we learned at Summits A&S that came out with a molded cheese, instead of something more like ricotta!

This month (these are standard meeting times) 

  • The hats

    Metal Night – has been put on hold for the time being in favor of….

  • Couer de Val fight practice (in Corvallis, Tuesday evenings) (but may be going back to casting!)
  • Sewing Time – At Ancient Light, Thursdays, 6-8pm
  • Herb Bunch – At Ancient Light, Saturdays, 11am-1pm
  • Project Day – At Ancient Light, Sundays, Noon to 6pm
  • Cheese and Wine is an occasional meeting. Watch our Facebook group for notices!
  • Potluck is usually 3rd Sunday of the month. In garb (if you can) and bring a dish to share!


Clockwise from upper left – Salad, Rice, Pork roast, Chicken (Winter Feast)

…and some special pages as well:


Here are the direct Portfolio links which have all the past Project Day reports and all the various projects, just whomp through pictures until what you see appeals to you, mouse-hover on the pic and then hit “view” when that shows.

…and to get to Ancient Light –”/ancient+light+waldport/@44.4266636,-124.1371198,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x54c1c24bf1be429f:0x69542f3011d51d41!2m2!1d-124.06708!2d44.426685

moving pen motifIn ministerio autem Somnium! – Anja Snihova’, graeca doctrina servus to House Capuchin.

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