There are more people who haven’t sent in pictures, yet. We’ll post when they do!

Dancers div


021322 Stella
My day after merriment and feasting look. Harder to pull off merriment and feasting in isolation, but leave it to me, I can make it happen! Here’s to a future House Capuchin Winter Feast and the REAL need of a houseleek and earthworm poultice around my brow!

021322 Helen Louise4

021322 Helen Louise11
…and dog, just for cuteness

An album from past feasts

Loren and Anja
Loren and Anja – At another winter feast. 
Loren, the vintner
Loren, the vintner
022320Isa2 Anja
Anja – Stitching
Loren and Anja, after the Roman feast, plumb tuckered out!

abe64500 signaturePage created and published 2/13/22 (2022)M. Bartlett
Last updated 2/17/22